Incidence of Vitamin B12 deficiency seems to be on the rise. The exact reason may not be known, but the universal availability of tests to diagnose Vitamin B 12 and greater awareness amongst care providers and receivers is most likely. Pesticides, poor quality of food ingredients, adulteration with toxic elements and change in the local immunity at the absorption site are a few possibilities. Poor intake of this important Vitamin or poor absorption are two major factors responsible for the deficiency.

Should we all check our Vitamin B 12 levels?

Though not recommended at present, if you have a suspicion of deficiency based on symptoms or if you have a family member suffering from B 12 deficiency, it would be worth-while. However looking at the increased incidence of B 12 deficiency in the general population, at least one estimate of B 12 in vegetarians is suggested. What are the common symptoms of Cyanoo3balamin that is B 12 deficiency? The symptoms are many and varied. At times it requires an astute physician to pick up rare features of this deficiency. Fatigability, muscle cramps, tingling and numbness like sensations at fingertips and toes and mild breathlessness are commonly seen.

What about the digestive system and B 12 deficiency?

Recurrent ulcers over the tongue, inner mouth and burning sensations in the oral cavity are common. Some individuals have unexplained diarrhoea that could be either the cause or effect of B 12 deft-science. Blood in stools is not seen.

Can B 12 deficiency lead to breathlessness?

This water-soluble Vitamin is absolutely necessary to have healthy red blood cells. Deficiency leads to poor oxygen-carrying capacity due to low haemoglobin levels. This may lead to palpitations or breathlessness even with minimal effort Correction of Vitamin B 12 deficiency leads to improvement in symptoms.

Can the deficiency lead to nerve damage?

Our nerve cells require this Vitamin to function efficiently and normally. Deficiency leads to a burning sensation over finger and toe tips. You may even have isolated areas of burning sensation at any other place in your body. Tingling, numbness, cur-rent like sensations are not uncommon.

Can B12 deficiency lead to psychiatric disorders?

The symptoms of severe deficiency may certainly mimic those of mental health issues. This may include anxiety, depression, psychosis, forgetful-ness and personality disorders. Prompt treatment is required as the damage to the neurones can be irreversible if not treated early. Unsteady movements, mental confusion or forgetfulness, personality changes should be looked for.

What are the common causes of deficiency?

This is more common are vegetarians. Though only a few are known to be deficient for unknown reasons. There could be problems of absorption at the small intestinal level or there could be poor intake. At the cellular levels, there could be certain antibodies that prevent the absorption of this Vitamin. This may be genetically determined, hence you may find this deficiency in family clusters or in certain religious groups. Chronic diarrhoea, gastric surgery, bariatric surgery, chronic malnutrition or alcoholism may be some important causes. Certain anti-diabetic and anti-epileptic medications can cause this deficiency. Pernicious anemia is a different entity causing the severe deficiency, though more common in the West.

Can B 12 deficiency lead to jaundice?

Red blood cells generally have a life span of more than 100 days in our circulation. Everyday thou-sands are destroyed and an equal numbers are released by our bones. In B 12 deficiency there is a premature demise of our red cells contributing to high bilirubin and low haemoglobin. If deficient how can the deficiency be treated? In almost all the deficiency cannot be rectified by changes in diet, though it may be helpful in very mild cases. B 12 supplements preferably in injectable forms are preferred over tablets. Most of the B12 deficient individuals have poor absorption capacity, hence oral medication may not be useful.

Should I take B12 injection on a life long basis?

A monthly maintenance injection for life is strongly recommended in severely deficient individuals. Experience suggests that they get intermittent B 12 deficiency with symptoms unless on maintenance dose.

What about diet?

Good sources of Vitamin B 12 include meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs and some fortified breakfast cereals. Vegetarians have a small quantity in their diet. B12 supplements may be needed in some selected individuals if the levels are low even with-out symptoms. The incidence of Vitamin B 12 deficiency is on the rise because of greater testing facilities and greater awareness. Early diagnosis is important as the treatment is highly effective. Some may require maintenance dose on life long basis.

Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh

Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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