Bacterial Viruses Viral Infections

Bacterial Viruses

Dr Jay Deshmukh MD. FCPS, MNAMS
it is a common knowledge that bacterial Viruses Infections fare caused by bacteria and viral infections are caused by viruses. The difference, however, Is that most bacterial Infections are cured by antibiotics and most viruses have no specific and curative medications.

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that survive and multiply in many different types of environment. Some can survive in extremes of weather conditions like heat or cold. Others live in our intestines where they help digest food. Most bacteria cause no harm. However, there are exceptions. Some may cause tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis etc.

What about antibiotics in bacterial infections?

Some continue to be helpful in many bacterial infections. However indiscriminate use of antibiotics has helped create bacterial diseases that are resistant to antibiotics.

What are viruses?

Viruses are even smaller than bacteria. They require living hosts like plants, people or animals to multiply. They cannot survive outside. A virus enters our body through various routes and takes over the cell machinery. It redirects it to produce the virus. Diseases caused by viruses include common cold, chickenpox, mumps, AIDS, COVID 19, swine flu and many more.

How do bacterial and viral infections spread?

Coming in close contact with those who have a viral infection or contact with body fluids with a viral infection can spread the infection. Transmission can occur from mother to child during pregnancy or birth. Coming in contact with contaminated surfaces like doorknobs can spread the infection. Similar to bacterial infections, viral infections can spread by the bite of an infected insect or through consuming water or food that has been contaminated.

How are viral infections treated?

Some antiviral medications are available for diseases like AIDS, Chickenpox or Herpes Zoster. However, most viral infections like Ebola, coronavirus or common cold or mumps virus have no specific treatment. Treatment is focussed on relief of symptoms while the body clears the infection. In the elderly or those with diabetes, on immunosuppressants like steroids, severe cardiovascular diseases, heavy smokers or chronic alcohol consumers the ability to clear the virus from our body gets severely compromised. Drinking fluids to prevent dehydration, getting plenty of rest, using Paracetamol only to relieve aches pain and fever, throat lozenges, gargles may help.

How to prevent infections?

Be sure to wash your hands after you use your wash
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mom, after and also before you handle food. Avoid touching your face, mouth or nose if your hands are not washed. Do not share your personal items such as drinking glasses or toothbrushes.

Which important bacterial or viral infections can be prevented by vaccination?

Certain infections like measles, influenza, polio, Diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and A and pneumococcal pneumonia can be prevented. Talk to your doctor about immunisation specific for your needs and age.
What are the early symptoms of a viral infection? Most viral infections may resent with bod ache, Aurangabad Main fever, headache, and muscle pains. SOME viruses can present with specific symptoms as rask on the skin, jaundice or joint pains as it. Chikungunya. Most of these symptoms do not last for more than a week In bacterial infections like tuberculosis, urinary tract infections or bacterial pneumonia or typhoid the symptoms may last for more than a week unless treated.

What are foodborne viral infections?

Viruses are one of the most common causes of ol food poisoning. The symptoms vary with the virus involved. Hepatitis A is a virus that affects the liver and causes jaundice. Norovirus was responsible for epidemics of diarrhoea, particularly on cruise ships. Rotavirus can cause seven watery diarrhoea, particularly in young children and babies Washing hands properly after using the washroom, is of paramount importance to prevent fecal-oral transmission of the diseases. Contaminated water is another source of infection.

What are the sexually transmitted viral infections?

Minimising sexual: partners, avoiding intravenous drugs and using condoms car minimise transmission However it cannot lx totally prevented. Human papillomavirus can cause genital warts and increase the risk of cervical’. cancers. Vaccination car prevents against cancer-causing strains of HPV Hepatitis B can be transmitted by the sexual: route. Vaccination against Hepatitis B is useful Genital herpes can lx treated by specific ant viral antibiotics. HIV car be avoided by having monogamous relationsh4 with a non-infected person. Viral and bacteria: infections pose a huge challenge to the health car* providers as particularly the viral infections car spread very rapidly from a human to another. Very fen antiviral drugs an available to cure viral: infections. The best possible way is social: distancing, vaccinations wherever possible and using gloves, masks and alcohol-based hand wash We must not shy away from our social responsibilities in this regard.

Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh

Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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