Fatty liver as the name suggests means excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. It not only can lead to cirrhosis of liver but also may be responsi [...]
«Отскок дохлой кошки» — ху трейдерс обзор финансовый термин, использующийся как сленговое выражение при биржевых торгах. Описывает ситуацию ложного от [...]
Hypertension is always considered a men's health problem. This however is a myth. In living up to 5 th decade men and women have almost equal level of [...]
W latach 2021–2023 członek zarządu Banku Gospodarstwa Krajowego2. Szef Głównego Urzędu Stastycznego odwołany. Jak podaje Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Minis [...]
Hypertension in the young is essentially primary hypertension and is on the rise because of rapid urbanization, increasing stress, addiction to tobacc [...]