How is Chikungunya diagnosed? Initially, a strong suspicion is necessary. Many other illnesses may appear like Chikungunya. Typically fever, headache, [...]
What is the Chandipura virus? This is an enveloped RNA virus and had global attention due to its ability to cause death in children within 24 hours of [...]
What are the common symptoms of Chikungunya? Abrupt onset of high-grade fever associated with intense pain in hands, wrists, ankles, and feet may be t [...]
How is Nipah transmitted? Contact with infected animals, such as bats or pigs, or their body fluids such as blood urine, and saliva cause transmission [...]
What type of virus is H3N2? It is an influenza A virus. There are 4 types of Influenza viruses. A, B, C, and D. In type A you have H1N1 and H3N2 virus [...]