Can diabetes be prevented?
Dr. Jay Deshmukh:- Type 2 diabetes can be reversed in its early state provided you have strong will power and self-discipline. Individuals with a strong family history of diabetes, abdominal obesity, hypertension, and a sedentary lifestyle are prone to get diabetes.
What about diet?
Dr. Jay Deshmukh:- Eating refined carbohy dates and sugary foods can lead to diabetes inevitably. This leads to insulin in excess. This with Insulin resistance can lead to diabetes. Individuals taking extra sugars and carbohydrates in the diet are 40% more likely to develop diabetes than those with lower intake.
What about physical activity and exercise?
Dr. Jay Deshmukh:- Exercise increases the insulin sensitivity of our cells. Burning 2000 calories per week with aerobic activity can give you excellent results. Moderate levels of physical exercise can increase insulin sensitivity by 51% on the day of exercise. Brisk walk for 45 minutes per day is strongly recommended to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.
What about weight loss or obesity?
Many individuals have excess weight on their abdominal wall and internal viscera. Excess abdominal fat causes insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes. Every 1 kg loss in weight reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 16%. Have a specific weight-reducing diet plan and stick to it. Losing weight significantly reduces the chances of type 2 diabetes,
What about water intake?
The drinking water then other beverages reduces the incidence of diabetes, particularly latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. Those who consumed more than two servings of sweetened beverages per day had a 99% increased incidence of LADA and 20% increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. Increasing water intake can improve diabetes control and insulin response. Instead of fruit juices, water intake should be encouraged.
What about smoking and chewing tobacco?
Smoking increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancers of lungs digestive tract and chronic obstructive lung diseases. In a large study involving thousands of individuals, smoking was found to have increased the risk of diabetes by 45%. Second-hand smoke also was found to have increased the risk of diabetes. There are no studies on tobacco chewing and diabetes.
What about Vitamin D levels and diabetes?
Dr. Jay Deshmukh:- Individuals with low Vitamin D were associated with all types of diabetes. In a study from Finland children who had adequate Vitamin D levels in the blood had a lower incidence of type 1 diabetes. Levels above 30ng/ ml should be achieved in any case.
What about other aspects of diet?
Dr. Jay Deshmukh:- Eating a high fiber diet both soluble and insoluble is always healthy. It reduces insulin resistance and reduces blood glucose levels as well. A high fiber diet prevents spikes in insulin and glucose levels. Watching portion size, minimizing processed food and concentrating on whole foods like nuts, vegetable fruits, and other plant foods is important. Avoiding alcohol or min.imising the quantity will prevent diabetes. Drinking coffee or tea may help reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. Taking natural herbs like Curcumin, fenugreek seeds and many more can help you to prevent your self from being diabetic Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly irrespective of age and avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Avoid being sedentary and try to lose weight if you are overweight. Have plenty of vegetables in the diet. Avoid fast food. A highly positive and motivated attitude can prevent type 2 diabetes in its early phase.
Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh
Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.