After mucormycosis is a black fungus, another fungus is recently in the news. This is the white fungus also known as candida fungus infection. Patients with Covid infection are known to have a poor immune status due to various factors. This may ultimately lead to certain fungal infections like mucormycosis or candidiasis.
What are the symptoms of white fungus?
One of the commonest symptoms is thrush or a curd-like material on the tongue or palate. This is commonly seen in patients who are diabetic, those on steroids or inhalers containing steroids for asthma. This is again common in HIV/ AIDS patients who have active uncontrolled disease. Genital infections, skin infections and gastrointestinal and respiratory infections due to the white fungus are common. They may present with a burning sensation in the throat, mouth ulcers, difficulty in swallowing and at times diarrhoea. Or a curd-like dis-charge them the female genital tract.
What are the factors that lead to whi fUngus disease?
Candidiasis or white fungus disease is the hallmark of a poor immune status. This fungus is normally present in some areas of the body including the gastrointestinal tract in a small measure. However, they rapidly multiply and cause symptoms due to a poor immune status. In patients recovering from Covid, we have seen this infection in many patients. The commonest presentation has been oral thrush and diarrhoea. It is likely that some individuals may have associated lung infection due to the white fungus besides the corn virus. This makes them extremely sick. This is also difficult to diagnose. Uncontrolled diabetes associated with high blood glucose, steroids if used for a long time and immunosuppressed individuals are at great risk.
How to prevent white fungus disease in context with coronavirus infection?
Indiscriminate use of steroids to be avoided at all costs. Maintenance of normal blood glucose levels and early Institution of insulin is important. Good oral hygiene is important. One should always rinse mouth after using steroid containing inhaler, Cebu-Users or retailers. Mouthwashes with chlorhexidine are recommended to prevent bacterial infections. Oral anti-candidiasis treatment in form of gels and creams or tablets are easily available. What is more serious, the black Angus disease or the white fungus disease? Mucormycosis is certainly more difficult to treat than candidiasis. The black fungus disease is more prevalent in the sinuses, orbit, palate and brain. The black fungus is a rapidly progressive disease causing extensive destruction of the bones and other tissues of the face internally. It is difficult to diagnose and treat. The white fungus is relatively easy to treat and diagnose. It may become difficult to treat the white fungus if it spreads to the lungs, kidneys, brain, heart valves or eyes. The white fungus can be treated without much difficulty if it is restricted to the skin, nails, genital area or oral cavity.
How do you treat the white tongue?
In the background of coronavirus infection, orally applied anti-fungal preparations are enough for oral thrush. In presence of an infection that gets bloodborne and thus spreads widely in our body, injectable antifungal drugs are available for treatment. There are many antifungal drugs available against candidiasis and the choice of drug depends on many patient-related factors.
How do you confirm the diagnosis of white fUngus?
In many individuals, just clinical examination suffices. In some, various pathological tests are available to diagnose the white fungus infection. What are the different types of Candida? There are more than 20 different types. The common-est is Candida albicans. There are major concerns about certain candida species that do not respond to conventional treatment.
What is important about Candida Auris?
Cauris first identified in 2009 in Asia, has become a widespread infection in many parts of the world. In some parts of the world, this type is resistant to all three anti lingual class of antibiotics. Some common health care disinfectants are not known to get rid of it easily. It can be carried on a patient’s skin without causing infection, allowing spread to others. It continues to be a global threat. The covid infection continues to create problems for mankind. Every month some new aspects of the disease get unravelled adding more challenges to the health providers. The white fungus infection after mucormycosis seems to be the latest on this ever-increasing list of problems caused by coronavirus infection putting a greater burden on the tiring health system of India. Presently it seems only prevention of coronavirus infection by vaccination and appropriate Covid behaviour can prevent the seemingly endless list of problems caused by a coronavirus.
Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh
Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.