Look after your back… else backache is sure

What are the risk factors for getting backaches?

Certain habits like smoking, obesity, older age, female gender, physically strenuous activity, or a very sedentary lifestyle can cause backaches. Job-related stress, job dissatisfaction, and mental health issues like depression and anxiety can cause backaches.

What are the three major categories of back pain?

Low back pain is acute which lasts for 4 weeks or less, sub-acute which lasts for 4 to 12 weeks, and chronic which lasts for more than 3 months. Most episodes of acute pain re-solve quickly, some may go on to have pain for longer periods of time.

What are the main causes?

Almost 85% is caused by non-specific reasoning. Most of the time it is not caused by a serious spinal abnormality or serious spinal injury. Avoiding bed rest and having hot water fomentation suffices in most. Getting back to being active as soon as you feel able can help speed your recovery.

What are the serious potential causes?

Infections in the spine, tumours, and cauda equine syndrome are serious causes. Some may have problems with urination or passing stools. Other potential causes include fractures of vertebrae due to trauma or osteoporosis. Tuberculosis of the spine, the spread of cancer from potential sites to the vertebral spine, can cause severe backache. Cancer of the breast, prostate, lungs, and thyroid may spread to the spine and may be the first manifestation of cancer.

What about less serious potential causes?

Wear and tear of the discs of the spine can lead to small cracks, tears, and loss of fluid in the discs. Bone spurs thus formed may also cause backaches. Bulging of the discs can cause compression of the nerves and can cause pain in the back that often radiates to the legs.

When should you see your doctor?

New pain if you are 70 years and older. Pain that persists even at night and continues even on lying down. Symptoms that include loss of control over urination or stools or impaired sexual functions are symptoms that call for Every individual suffers from backache at least once in his lifetime. Though self-limiting in the majority and that it resolves on its own, it can be quite frustrating in many. Lifestyle changes may help in the majority if other diseases have been ruled out. Urgent treatment. Backache accompanied by unexplained fever or weight loss needs urgent care. Backache with a history of cancer, weakened immune system, osteoporosis, or the use of steroids for a prolonged time needs urgent evaluation. Pain spreading to legs particularly accompanied by weakness and backache that does not re-solves in 4 weeks and needs evaluation.

How is the symptom of backache analyzed?

After proper clinical history and examination, a diagnosis is possible in the majority. However, certain investigations are necessary in selected cases. These include X-rays of the spine for arthritis and broken bones. X-rays do not help muscles, ligaments or nerves, or the spinal cord. MRI and CT scans may help with nonbone structures. Blood tests may help for infections and Ankylosing spondyloarthropathy. Nerve studies are carried out to see for nerve or spinal cord compression.

What are the common causes of backache in girls and women?

At times menstrual disorders, and ovarian or uterine disorders that may include infections or cancer, can cause backaches. Prolonged sitting, lack of physical activity, and obesity are common reasons for backaches in women. Osteoporosis with fractures of the vertebra is common in post-menopausal frail women. Make sure you take care of your anxiety and depression.

What is the common treatment?

Avoiding smoking and weight reduction should help the obese. Treatment of the underlying cause is important. However, being activity and being regular in the exercise programs should make you feel better. Adequate calcium and vitamin D, proper management of menopause, back extension exercises, and Physiotherapy are extremely important. Adopting a correct posture while sitting and walking is important. In certain individuals, surgical intervention is necessary. Backache is a common symptom. Causes may vary according to your age, physical activity, and hormone status. The incidence of backache is increasing in individuals with poor lifestyles.

Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh

Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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