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Prevent Kidney Failure | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur

Prevent Kidney Failure | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur

Prevent Kidney Failure | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur

Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  Kidney failure has become quite common nowadays. It is known to affect the quality of life , reducing life expectancy and causing great economic hardship to the individual and his family. As they say prevention is better than cure, this really is very apt for chronic kidney failure. Many patients require long term dialysis or kidney transplantation. This can all be minimised or prevented if due precautions are taken right in the beginning.

What are the common causes of chronic renal failure ?

  1.   Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  In adults a combination of diabetes and hypertension can easily affect the kidneys.  Kidney stones, toxic chemicals and drugs , recurrent urinary tract infection are some other causes. Congenital anomalies of kidney, polycystic disease of the kidneys are some other causes.

What are the common symptoms of chronic kidney disease ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :- Early morning swelling on the face or swelling of the feet by evening hours is one of the commonest symptom . Loss of appetite, exhaustion, weight loss, anemia, uncontrolled hypertension , persistent hiccups, breathlessness are some other symptoms.Some individuals may have no symptoms in early stages. Some may have weight gain due to fluid accumulation.

How is chronic kidney disease evaluated ? 

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  Routine urinalysis, blood tests that include blood urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium are absolutely necessary. Sonography of the kidneys may help to see the size and to rule out cysts,stones or congenital anomalies. Certain tests to rule out autoimmune diseases like lupus may be necessary. Besides this patients are investigated for HIV, hepatitis  B and  C virus. Evaluating the heart for its pumping activity is necessary.

What about diabetes and hypertension ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  A good control of blood glucose with HbA1C below 7% and BP below 135/85 is necessary to prevent kidney injury due to diabetes and hypertension. Periodic examination of these parameters is necessary. A strict diet control, regular exercises, weight reduction if necessary and avoiding smoking and tobacco is necessary.

How often should we get our kidney function assessed?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :- In case you have diabetes or hypertension annual serum creatinine , urinalysis is a must. In case you already have high urea or creatinine then the tests need to be done more frequently . You need to consult your treating doctor for this.

Can drugs cause kidney failure ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  In allopathic drugs certain antibiotics like gentamicin or Amikacin or Vancomycin need to be given with caution. You may be allergic to certain antibiotics and this may be the reason for renal failure. Pain killers like Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen,Piroxicam, Eterocoxib need to be taken with due precautions. Self medication of these pain killers should be avoided and certain patients should avoid them.

What precautions are needed when you take pain killers ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :- Make sure that you take them only if necessary. Paracetamol and tramadol do not affect the kidneys adversely and should be the first choice. Individuals with diabetes, hypertension, elderly, emaciated, dehydrated and those with chronic liver, heart or kidney disease are more susceptible. Drink plenty of water if you are on pain killers. 

What about other drugs ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :-  Certain drugs that contain heavy metals like gold, copper, arsenic , lead, mercury , excess cobalt may be dangerous. Many quacks give pouches containing a cocktail of pain killers,steroids, Ayurvedic medicines in combination. This inevitably can lead to kidney failure.

What about kidney infections ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :- Pyelonephritis is diagnosed by urinalysis and culture. Your doctor will select the right antibiotic based on these findings. Therapy for not less than 2 weeks is recommended. Kidney stones, diabetes, prostate enlargement causing obstruction needs to be dealt with aggressively to prevent recurrence of infection. Recurrent urinary tract infection in young age can lead to chronic renal failure in older adults.

What about cystic disease of the kidneys ?

  1. Prevent Kidney Failure | Dr Jay Deshmukh | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur :- Many people in one family can have this ailment leading ultimately to chronic renal failure and hypertension. Early diagnosis and good control of blood pressure is necessary.
  2. What about nephritis ? There are many types of glomerular nephritis. A few of them may lead to chronic kidney disease. Early diagnosis and an early kidney biopsy can give us the correct diagnosis and thus the treatment can be initiated correctly. This can prevent chronic kidney disease.

                                  Thousands of people in India are undergoing regular dialysis or are in a need of kidney transplant. This is a huge socio economic challenge to the health providers and the family of the patient. Early detection of kidney ailment, proper treatment of the aggravating factors and good control over diabetes, hypertension and kidney infection can prevent chronic renal disease.

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