What is a coronavirus? | Dr jay Deshmukh

Dr jay Deshmukh

Coronavirus: Dr jay Deshmukh: A common cold virus known as coronavirus is making Headlines all over the world recently. This simple virus has been responsible for at least 26 deaths in China in the last couple of weeks. The deaths have been in China Wuhan province. Some cases have been detected in countries neighbouring China and 2 cases have been reported from the US. These were 2 individuals, who had just returned from China, Generally, the coronavirus appears to be hitting older people the hardest, with few cases in children.

Which is the virus causing illness in Wuhan China?

Dr jay Deshmukh: It is a member of the coronavirus family that never has been encountered before Like other coronaviruses it has come to humans from animals. Many people, who Shopped in Huanan seafood wholesale markets in China purchased solid life and newly slaughtered animals. were exposed to this virus and got infected. New and serious viruses usually Orig innate in animal hosts. Ebola and flu are examples

What other coronaviruses are of important serious consequences?

syndrome and Severe acute respiratory Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) are both caused by coronaviruses. It is widely thought that the news coronavirus may have originated in snakes or bats.

What are the symptoms caused by coronavirus?
In the initial phase, the symptoms could of a simple cold, cough, fever and body aches. These are symptoms


of most viral Infections. Some unfortunate with poor resistance can have pet monia. They have cough, fever and breathlessness Some may have acute lung injury syndrome, kidney failure, fulminant pneumonia from which survival is very difficult

Should we panic?

The spread of coronavirus outside China is a certainty According to the World Health Organisation this not expected. At present, there is no need to panic. It is not certain as to how severe is the transmission from people to people How many are likely to become serious is also not predictable.

Who is at risk to get coronavirus?

Dr jay Deshmukh: People returning from Wuhan province to other parts of the world are at risk. Health care workers like doctors and nurses are always at risk. Elderly and the malnourished are also at risk. Individuals those who are very elderly and have chronic illnesses like chron le liver, kidney and lung diseases are always at risk Patients with asthma and
COPD need to be careful Is there any specific
treatment? Unfortunately, there are no Specific antibiotics or antivirus drug for this infection icon. The treatment is purely supportive in nature, Supportive treatment includes isolation of the individual or quarantined,
plenty of fluids orally or intravenously and Paracetamol for fever and body aches. Oxygen, antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections are necessary Some may require artificial ventilation.

How is the transmission prevented?

Coughing or sneezing without proper protection, shaking hands with infected people, not being isolated if you have a semblance of viral infection causing throat infection or associated with severe cough and breathlessness are the important ways of transmission, Unfortunately, there is no vaccine or antiviral drug available so far. Using a
specified face mask and isolation of the suspected individual is necessary

What are the implications of such types of viral infections?

Viruses that can cause severe disabilities or even death like poliovirus, HIV virus, Ebola virus, Rabies virus, smallpox, dengue, Influenza, Marburg Hantavirus, Lassa virus have caused millions of deaths so far: The health organisations and the medical fraternity needs to educate public about the importance of frequent hand washing with warm water. maintaining good personal hygiene and isolating people with all viral infections particularly in their early phases. Coronavirus may spread rapidly to almost all parts of the world unless we are able to contain it now Unfortunately, there is no vaccine that is likely to be available soon enough to curtail this deadly viral infection.

How is the diagnosis confirmed?
The diagnosis is made by blood tests and throat and nasal swabs. Blood is tested by the polymerase chain reaction method.

Coronavirus derives its name from crown or gar a land bestowed among the Roman’s as a reward for dis extinguished services. Wuhan coronavirus is in the news for its mere logistical problems in China, China has
restricted travel for 36 million people as the death toll rises Airlines have cancelled hundreds of flights to Wuhan and neighbouring cities. There is a fear of global pandemic. Nowadays
a simple cough or sneezing can be worrisome. Fortunately, there is no confirmed case of Wuhan coronavirus in India so far

Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh

Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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Dr Jay Deshmukh is Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur Honorary Physician to Honorable Governor of Maharashtra and PondicherryCentral. Dr Jay Deshmukh is an M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD From Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi.

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