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How do you release endorphins? | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur

Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh:-  Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. They form a large group of peptides. They are produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. Since endorphins act on the opiate receptors of the brain, they reduce pain and promote happiness. They are the “ happy “ chemicals of the body.

When are the endorphins released?

  1. Endorphins are released in response to pain or stress, but they are also released during other activities, like eating and exercising. The body has special receptors that bind to opioids to block pain signals.

Can endorphins reduce depression by Dr Jay Deshmukh?

  1. Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Nearly more than 20% of the world’s population suffers from depression some times or the other during one’s lifetime. Many scientific studies have indicated that exercises certainly reduce the degree of depression. Majority of the studies have indicated a positive benefit due to regular exercises. This is because of the release of endorphins due to regular long walks or exercises.

What about boosting our self-esteem and confidence levels?

  1. Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Reducing stress levels, depression and anxiety can certainly increase self-confidence and esteem. Though much larger studies are suggested, scientists are unanimous about the role of exercises in increasing endorphins in the blood.

What are the symptoms of endorphin deficiency?

  1. Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Though still not fully understood, endorphin deficiency is associated with moodiness, addiction, failing to have a good quality of sleep, depression and anxiety states. Aches and pains in the body may also be due to endorphin deficiency.

How to increase the levels of endorphins if exercising is difficult?

  1. Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Group exercises are the best, however, if difficult then eating dark chocolates, creating music or any form of art like paintings, drawings, sculpture making, flower arrangements are also helpful. Even reading an interesting book may make you happy by increasing your endorphin levels. Cocoa powder and dark chocolates contain flavonoids that appear to be beneficial to the brain.

What are the other ways to increase endorphins?

  1. Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Joining a laughter club, being happy at all times, meditating or yoga exercises, listening to the music of your choice, eating healthy food that makes you feel happy are some other ways to increase endorphins. Even watching cricket matches or following your favourite television serial can increase your endorphins and make you feel better. Regular sun exposure, acupuncture and an anti-inflammatory diet work wonders for endorphins.

How do endorphins work?

  1. Dr Jay Deshmukh:- Endorphins are chemicals produced by our body. They work similarly to drugs like morphine. These are known as opioids. Besides morphine other drugs belonging to this class include codeine, fentanyl and oxycodone. These drugs, however, are used strictly for the purpose they are meant for.

How much exercise is needed to have good levels of endorphins in blood?

Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh:- After about 25 to30 minutes of hard exercises, endorphins are released and results in energy boost for the next 3 hours. The happy mood and joy remain for the next 24 hours. Sex also promotes the release of these pleasurable neurotransmitters.

To be happy spread happiness. The only means would be to increase endorphins in the blood. Besides their importance in pain management, endorphins make you feel happy. Regular exercises are one of the best means to increase endorphins.
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