Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur

Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :-

Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- Calf Pain AND Remedies The calf is a muscular part of the leg. It has two muscles, gastrocnemius and soleus. These muscles meet at the Achilles’ tendon which attaches directly to the heel. Any leg or foot movement uses these muscles. Calf Pain AND Remedies varies from person to person, but it typically feels like a dull, aching or sharp pain sometimes with tightness.

What are the symptoms that may indicate a more severe condition ?

Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- Symptoms that could mean a serious issue would include swelling, unusual coolness or pale colour of the calf , tingling or numbness in the calf and leg, weakness of the leg, fluid retention, redness, warmth and tenderness of the calf. If you have any of these symptoms in addition to calf pain, you should visit your doctor. While most cases of calf pain can be treated at home, other causes may need urgent medical attention.

What are muscle cramps ?

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- These are sudden, painful contractions of muscles. They are common and may be due to sudden exercising of muscles or doing new exercises. Cramps can be triggered by dehydration, muscle injuries, and mineral deficiencies. More serious causes are kidney failure, hypothyroidism, alcoholism, diabetes and severe peripheral vascular disease.

What is a muscle strain ?

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- Muscle strains usually occur as a result of fatigue, overuse or improper use of a muscle. If you are new at running, biking and power lifting this can strain your calf muscles. You would feel a muscle strain as it occurs and notice the sudden onset of pain, soreness, limited range of movement. Mild to moderate strains can be treated at home with ice, heat and anti inflammatory drugs. Severe strains or tears may require medical treatment.

What is Achilles tendinitis ?

  1. This results due to overuse, strain or stress on the Achilles’ tendon. Common symptoms include inflammation of the tendon, pain in the back of the leg, swelling and limited range of motion when flexing your foot. Simple home treatments like rest, ice, compress, elevate (RICE) can help.

What is sciatica ?

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- Sciatica is a result of compression of the sciatic nerve, which controls the muscles in the lower leg and back of the knees. It can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the lower back that can stretch down the leg to the calf and other muscles. Besides medical treatment, according to Dr Mark Kovacs any stretch that can externally rotate the hip can provide some relief. In more severe cases surgery may be required to treat sciatica.

What is a contusion of the calf muscle ?

  1. A contusion, or a bruise is the result of trauma like a fall, cut or blow.The trauma causes the capillaries beneath the skin to burst, which causes discolouration.Bruises typically heal on their own. You should see a doctor if you have unexplained bruising or bruises that reappear in the same area without injury.

What is diabetic peripheral neuropathy ?  

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- This is a form of nerve injury that results due to uncontrolled blood glucose , genetic factors or nerve inflammation. Other symptoms include sharp pain, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, loss of balance and coordination, numbness and impaired sensation. Maintaining a normal blood glucose can treat as well as avoid this condition.

What is a deep vein thrombosis ?

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- DVT is the result of a blood clot forming in the deep vein in the arm or leg, including the calf. There are numerous factors that can  lead to DVT. These include local calf trauma, after delivering a baby, Calf Pain AND Remedies after major abdominal surgery ,underlying cancer, or being in bed for a long period of time. The most dangerous aspect of DVT could be pulmonary embolism. This manifests as incessant cough, breathlessness or sometimes blood in sputum. Pulmonary embolism is a serious condition and warrants immediate hospitalisation.

What is a compartment syndrome ?

  1. Calf Pain & Remedies | Sunflower Hospital Nagpur | Dr Jay Deshmukh :- Symptoms of compartment syndrome include severe pain that does not improve with rest or medication. Numbness, trouble moving the affected area and a noticeable bulge in the affected area. Compartment syndrome occurs if you have experienced a major injury to the area like a fracture or broken bone.

                                   Most of the Calf Pain AND Remedies are easily managed at home. However proper diagnosis should be made to rule out serious medical conditions like peripheral vascular disorder, deep vein thrombosis and neurological disorders.

Author: Dr Jay Deshmukh

M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD
(Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi)
Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur

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M.B.B.S., M.C.P.S., F.C.P.S., M.N.A.M.S., MD
(Internal Medicine – Bombay and New Delhi)
Chief Physician and Director, Sunflower Hospital, Nagpur

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